June Challenge - Interesting

Today's challenge was interesting. Well seeing a bass being played in this position might be interesting... however it was the entire concert that P and I attended was very interesting as well as toe tapping entertaining.

The group was - Bill Haley Jr. and the Comets - Note this is Jr., however one of the original Comets was in the group (far right) And that is Bill Jr. on the left. What made the concert so interesting was how Bill Jr. introduced each song his famous father wrote with the history...and how he began - even the song that gave the music genre it's name - Rock and Roll. The last song was of course ... Rock around the Clock ! I did get some video of the great musicians, but just don't have the time to view it, no less put it up (as I originally hoped). Even this blip is backblipped. Some of the video isn't the best as I was testing the smartphone against the DSLR with a zoom lens.

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