occhi verdi

By occhiverdi

born on the bayou

And so today ended the self-inflicted silence and solace of the past few days. My dad flew in from Canada this morning/last night.

I studied OMM exclusively today..as I will tomorrow to try to remember all the chapman's reflexes and do all that extra cramming with cranial strain patterns and whatnot.

Even with the awkwardly worded ethics questions on Combank, my percentage on that qbank is at least 15% higher than on UWorld. Uh-oh. Thank God I'm taking comlex first. One more full day until round 1 begins. Nervous. Scared. Nauseated. So ready for this anxiety to be over.

Took a trip out to Hillebrandt Bayou today. Man, I love being a native Southeast Texan, it's so wonderfully Cajun and yet still Texas all at once. Doesn't mean I want to practice medicine here...but still.

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