Choose Joy

By Energia

so quiet

So quiet. Just standing there, eating, not running. It was total chance that I looked that way. Not scared. Thoughtful enough to just stand there and let me fiddle with exposure settings. Thank you deer. 

I had excellent meetings today. If you are going to have that many meetings, may they be fascinating. 

Five people suspected of spying for Russia in the UK have been caught and will be charged. 

Europe as a whole, as individual nations and as the EU, have committed $140 billion to Ukraine. As a percentage share of GDP, Norway gives more than any other nation, followed by Lithuania and Estonia. 

You know that Ukraine breached the first of Russia's three-line defense in the south. Now they have sent armored vehicles through that breach. 

A US State Dept official said that Russia's influence over grain prices is likely to continue to wane as more ships are able to leave Ukrainian ports.       

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