and through the wire...

By hesscat


After work it was a dash out to get an Arlo walk before it got too dark, he had a fun time and wanted to go to bed when we got back. Ms H was up the toon toon and got the last train back so picked her up and when we got back I took Arlo out in the garden as usual then gave him his supper (a dental chew) and off he went back to bed. I then had my cup of tea, as I finished my biscuit it was OMG... Arlo... you've not had your tea-teas! Dear oh dear, I got him up for a half tea-teas then he wanted to go back to bed. Despite Arlo being happy to eat anything at any time, he is not a dog who pesters us for his meals or waits on us... he just deals with what we throw or don't throw at him! Poor boy...

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