Robin at large

By Robin

New and Improved

The weather forecast did not look good today. It seemed like a good day to hop on a bus and head to Como.

We had decided to return on the ferry. The ticket office and jetty have been revamped since we were last here in the summer. There was an issue that there was only limited cover from the sun, consequently tourists were passing out in the heat.

This has been resolved with a new ticket office and boarding area. Where there was previously only partial cover, now there is none. Where there was previously a scrum boarding the ferry, now there is a very long queue. As I had bought tickets on line we did not have to queue for tickets. So we did not arrive early to buy tickets, but found ourselves right at the back of the very long queue board.

There was heavy rain while we waited to board. Onec on board we adjourned to the bar for a glass of wine. Unfortunately it was still raining when we got to Lenno, so it was a very wet walk up to the apartment.

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