
By tridral

Rhwd ac adfer

Rhwd ac adfer ~ Rust and restoration

“Iron rusts from disuse, stagnant water loses its purity, and in cold weather becomes frozen, even so does inaction sap the vigor of the mind.”
― Leonardo da Vinci

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Roedd y tywydd yn stormus iawn y bore yma. Does dim cychod i Ynys Bŷr heddiw wrth gwrs. Stopiodd y glaw yn y pen draw felly aethon ni i lawr i ymweld ag Ynys y Santes Catrin.

dyma le sydd â hanes hir a diddorol. Cafodd e ei adeiladu yn y 19eg ganrif yn y rhyfeloedd Napoleon, yn hwyrach daeth e fod tŷ preifat, amddiffynfa eto, sw ac yn y pendraw cafodd ei esgeuluso a'i fandaleiddio.

Nawr mae prosiect i'w adfer yn gwneud cynnydd blwyddyn ar ôl blwyddyn. Roedd e'n ddiddorol i weld ardaloedd newydd ar agor ers ein hymweliad olaf. Rydyn ni'n gobeithio i weld y prosiect yn dod i ddiwedd llwyddiannus, ond efallai bydd e'n cymryd deg flwyddyn neu mwy.

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The weather was very stormy this morning. There are no boats to Caldey Island today of course. The rain eventually stopped so we went down to visit St Catherine's island.

This is a place with a long and interesting history. It was built in the 19th century during the Napoleonic wars, later it became a private house, a fortress again, a zoo and eventually it was neglected and vandalized.

Now a project to restore it is making progress year after year. It was interesting to see new areas open since our last visit. We hope to see the project come to a successful conclusion, but it may take ten years or more.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Fâs fetel rhydlyd, Ynys y Santes Catrin
Description (English): Rusted metal vase, Saint Catherine's Island

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