View from Hart Tor

Dartmoor was much more like Dartmoor today. Another 7 mile+ walk, my legs are really feeling it now! The walk was from Princetown taking in Hart Tor, Black Tor Falls, Ingra Tor Quarry, Yes Tor Bottom, Kings Tor Halt and quite a bit of the disused railway line. This is the second audio walk we have done, quite enjoyable as things are pointed out that we may have otherwise walked past. Most of the end of the walk was without sun and the Dartmoor wind was cutting across us, glad I had the gear to keep me warm but my face is feeling a little wind burnt!

Today's panoramic is from the top of Hart Tor.

Holly went back to the vets this morning to be checked over, the vet said she is doing well but gave her another antibiotic shot as a precaution. Hopefully she will eat properly tonight.

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