
By DJsDailyDose

Time to relax

I’ve had an incredibly busy week and as such haven’t kept up with blip… apologies to all but will catch up on journals this week.

There has been a busy time at work as well as at home and today gave me a little relief..

I took my daughter to gymnastics, headed to the gym, then had to pop into town to pick up a birthday gift..

Headed to pick up my daughter, shopping for food and then home for the rest of the day. My daughter’s friend was over for homemade pizza and then I spent some time relaxing working on my cross stitch which does relax me… I started this a couple of years ago but have done some other smaller projects in between. Now those are done I can get this one finished although is likely to take me a good 6 months i think.

A lovely day to look forward to tomorrow as I’m taking my daughter to London for the day to meet up with cousins, go shopping and have afternoon tea!

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