A New Day

By ANewDay

Pots in Waiting

I always plant up lots of pots for the summer garden, as they give such a welcome splash of colour. Unfortunately, most of the pots still have tulips in them and I'll have to wait a few weeks to allow the goodness from the leaves to go back into the bulbs before I lift them (can't afford any more pots!)

We're going on holiday on Saturday for a week and I didn't want to wait till we got back to buy the plants for the pots, as the nursery tends to sell out quickly of some of my favourites. I'll leave them together like this to make it easier for our friends to water them while we're away - just in case they see any sunshine!

It started off grey and dull here again, but the sun eventually came out mid-afternoon and I've done another couple of hours in the garden just weeding and cutting things back - not my favourite chores, but I have to show willing!

Hope it was nice where you are:-)

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