Look Again

By alannahseyes

This be the Answer

"You finally become an adult when you can forgive your parents for being human"

The train of thought that leads to making an image can be an interesting trip. Yesterday's post ended up reminding me of Phillip Larkin's poem An Arundel Tomb. I wasn't thinking about this when I took the shot, I was just concentrating on pressing the button and holding the the camera steady with one hand.
Anyway... this got me thinking about another poem of his; This be the Verse*
I had originally intended to do something playful for the Tiny Tuesday challenge today; high key with lots of bright colour. My son had lent me some of his lego figures that had been entombed in plastic boxes for the past few years. Maybe next week.....
I've been making a few trips to the attic lately and unboxing some long forgotten memories as well as the stuff I originally came up for.
The writing on the wall is a realization that I had in my twenties when I was trying to work out what being a grown up was. It became my standard definition. I mentioned this in passing to someone recently and they wanted to know the source. They seemed quite surprised when I said "Me". So time to write it down and claim it.

I think that's most of the ingredients that went into the "Aha! moment" behind today's blip. 
While I was struggling to write this, today's song came up on my playlist.
Frontier Psychiatrist

*Do not click the link for  poem if you are offended by the use of expletives in a literary context. The work has probably been removed from libraries in several U.S. states by now.

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