
By gillyh

If it ain't broke....

...don't fix it!
Last week l waited in for the telecoms man who was going to add a widget to our phone system.  He duely arrived fitted the part and left. Later when the phone rang l picked up the extension and it was dead, it turns out only the main phone was working.  When l spoke to the telecom company they sent someone out, l waited he turned up, took one look and said, no, that's right your extensions won't work  because you are a wifi telephone system now and all the phones you have plugged into the wall sockets are redundant, you will need new wifi phones.  What a waste!  Now l have, on several occassions, told the same company that we don't want a landline but in this country they make you have (and pay for) one even though it is not necessary.  But what if the WiFi fails l asked the engineer, oh you will need a backup system, l will book an engineer for you.  No thank you, l will use my mobile phone.  What a total waste, 3 phones off to land fill is this really progress?  A warning to those in the UK, the whole country is going over to wifi, a lot of phones  are going to be be thrown away over the next few years!

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