Maid in Wales

By welshmaid50

Daddy's girl.

I have to report that I am fine after the two jabs yesterday, but J isn't. We were in bed at 9 0'clock, as he couldn't keep awake any longer, and we didn't get up until nearly twelve hours later. We had breakfast, and then J went back to bed. He did get up  and felt well enough to have a shower, and then had to lie down on the settee, and he is still there.  I had to think of jobs that wouldn't make any noise, so I cleaned underneath the sink, a job I hate doing, but it doesn't really take that long. I don't know why we have so much stuff for cleaning,  it's just manufacturers  seducing us into buying their products, trying to convince us that life will be perfect if we buy their products, and I am guilty:-)  I have this small  framed photo of my Dad  riding one of J's motorbikes, and I always take it with me when we go  on holiday, to put beside our bed. We used to visit all the local shows, with me riding pillion, and J and our  daughter on another of J's motorbikes, Happy day's. 

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