
By Shutterup

Always things going on

There is a hive of activity in this household.  

After visiting a dear friend who has never been married and has worked hard all her life and lives in a beautiful cottage with nothing out of place.. everything is painted off white and there is no clutter at all, my house feels hectic!!  I have baskets of fruit, plates of drying petals (for dyeing) trays of sunflower seeds (some for dyeing and some for seed share) jars of damsons steeping in gin, chutney ingredients waiting for tomorrow to come.  Obviously there is also a lot of artwork which I have recently been going through to see what might be exhibitable if the opportunity came along (time for a clear out), seeds that need sowing, garlic that needs sowing a dressing table that needs to be upcyled .. and plenty more to keep me busy.  I don't think I would know how to fill my days if my house was neat as a pin but I do wonder if there are just too many projects on the go at the moment!  I am thankfully feeling a little better after my glutening of a couple of days ago.. tomorrow will see me crack on with some of these projects.
Chutney making while the wind blows and the rains lash sounds like just the right thing to be doing. 

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