
By IronWill2013

Happy Halloween

What's the weather playing at? One day it is sunny and warm, the next ... chilly again. Since mother nature can't make up her mind what season it is, I have decreed that today is Halloween .. why not? Feels like it to me.

I picked up this little happy chappy from the local cat rescue charity shop. It's a ceramic tea light thingy. I like to help them out with little purchases now and again ... all the cash raised goes to needy cats and educating their owners to have them vaccinated and neutered. There are so many cats in rescue shelters that need a good home. You get the point.

Did more stuff in the garden today. Another island bed opened up. The latest one is filled with lupins and since they wont flower until next year, I've added some annual rudbeckias in there (Cherry Brandy). Also started to divide my pond plants ... more on that later.

Another 2 hours in the gym classes tonight.

Bath time!

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