
By Ellaphant

Local Pond

Perhaps not exactly a pond as it's connected to the whole waterway system in our suburb.

Shot during our afternoon walk.

Supermarket errands in the morning, some laundry, some cake bought today as we were too full for dessert yesterday evening, a nap.  In short, a rather lazy day.  I did get a phone call from an employment agency I knew nothing about, who got my contact number from the government website we're required to consult whenever we get unemployment benefits, but nothing concrete and, frankly, I am not in the mood for more of the same as what I'm 'getting' now.  Sad news today when the friend I was looking forward to meeting in Geneva had to cancel travel plans because her husband hasn't been feeling well for quite some time, and she herself is under the weather.  AW thought I should cancel my flight and I said I would go alone.  She and I had a good talk on the phone, and I could feel her disappointment keenly, as she had looked forward to meeting her grandchildren during the same trip.  We will get together another time.

A few quiet hours now while AW plays Thursday evening live bridge with Beau, who has just returned from a business trip to Tunesia.

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