Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Blip

By alfthomas


James was in despair. Why did I come to this bloody wedding? Oh, I know that Kim is one of my best mates, and Annie had become a good friend since getting together with Kim. But this is torture! The ceremony was bad enough, that bloody priest droning on and on about lifelong happiness and all that. How the fuck can anyone be happy when the one person in the world that they love has disappeared? Now this reception. Why did I come? I just want out, but I’m stuck here at this venue in the middle of nowhere. I can’t just leave, we were brought here in coaches, and have to stay until they come back sometime after midnight. Of course I am pleased for Kim and Annie. It was about time that they realised that they belong together. But all of this is driving me nuts. All of these people, and their faux happiness, it’s all just too depressing. Then there are those encouraging me to hook up with one or other of the single women. Not to mention the single women who have been encouraged by others to hit on me. Why can’t they just leave me alone? They are all just women, plain and ordinary women - they are NOT Kate, and never will be. I know I am probably being a bit of a snob, but the level of intelligence of most of these people would make an amoeba seem like a genius. The only answer lies in the bottle, alcohol seems like such a good idea.

James spends the rest of the evening proceeding to slowly get more and more pissed with passing time, and notices that people are avoiding him - hurrah! The other thing he thinks is that getting rid of that bloody awful racket would be a bonus. His next recollection is waking up in his own bed, with absolutely no idea how he got there.

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