
By SparseRunner


A meeting with our solicitors at 10:00 in the centre of Edinburgh meant that I had to get up early to walk Django, have a shower and take a bus. Daughter L had arranged the meeting – about paperwork for Mum’s estate – but daughter K failed to turn up. However, Edinburgh was pleasantly sunny, and I had a good chat with L over a coffee afterwards.

At home, the culmination of some team-work with a collaborator led to a breakthrough in fixing a bug in one of our solvers. This happened just in time for me to walk Django and get a bus into Edinburgh for the “welcome event” of the Sottish Turf Open weekend. 

Since I’m doing the open foot-Turf event tomorrow, I didn’t want to run too much tonight. However, I was soon doing short sprints to get to zones before others, and then the adrenaline of competition kicked in. I ended up third of 60, but very few of the competitors are runners. Afterwards, at Summerhall, there was a social get-together, allowing me to meet some local Turfers I’d only ever known as names, and also some of the couple of dozen Turfers who have come over from Scandinavia for the weekend. I left after the prize-giving, where my efforts won me a sweatband and a Turf key-ring. 

As I approached the house, I realised that the best way to refuel was to get a “House special biriyani” from our local Indian restaurant. It felt good, but I washed it down with coke rather beer: “athlete in training”, and all that :D

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