A view from St Swithin

By stswithin50

We picked up the hire car this morning and after the usual faff getting out of SF drove north. We stopped at Sausalito for coffee ( lots of nice shops and a huge marina) and the John Muir Woods on the way. The Muir Woods necessitated pre booking a car parking slot and driving 20 miles up a steep windy road ( how does anyone manage without a phone or app these days?)  It was worth it though - you got to walk amongst the giant Redwoods some of which are 2000 years old. Really special - I think these are some of the oldest and tallest trees in the world. I’m afraid my blips don’t really do them justice. After a snack we drove onto Napa - across arid dry plains and on busy roads. Judging by the number of vineyards we saw this is certainly a huge wine area. 

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