
By ForthPorts

Activity on the foreshore.

Three guys doing some impressive stunts. Was a bit dull and overcast so I might go back for their 2pm show if it has brightened up. If not, this is your lot.

Well I went back and have added a few more. Top left: the guy climbed this frame and only his back wheel touched any of it. Amazing balance. Furthest right, the show finale, a 'volunteer' was asked to sit beside their trailer, an empty drinks can was placed between his open legs perilously close to his man berries, the cyclist atop the trailer pulled a wheelie and bunny-hopped down and crushed the can. The sense of relief in the audience was palpable but paled against the relief of the 'volunteer'. A group of children expressed their disappointment at a more entertaining and painful end. 

All for free. We like free. 

The purpose of it all was to encourage us to take the bicycle rather than the car for short journeys. I'm not sure if that came across.

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