
By Livresse


A very quiet day in Library-land so I will use this entry to post my "reviews" for #LBB9  (Big Books are Brilliant). I couldn't decide between two books so here they are both: 

Shackleton's Journey by William Grill - A visual retailing of the famous expedition to Antarctica. A very atmospheric, well researched book, full of details (there is a drawing of every member of the crew and all the dogs) It also has a beautiful sense of space. This book is also special to me because it won the Kate Greenaway Medal the year I was chair - It was William's first book, the publisher wasn't that well known and we took them by surprise.

The Lost Words by Robert McFarlane and Jackie Morris - "Once upon a time, words began to vanish from the language of children.
They disappeared so quietly that at first almost no one noticed - until one day, they were gone.
But there is an old kind of magic for finding what is missing, and for summoning what has vanished. If the right spells are spoken, the lost words might return..." This is a beautiful collection of spell/poems with the most stunning illustrations. Also a Kate Greenaway winner. 

The photo of the books is in extra because it wasn't taken today... 

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