
By TomTom

Country Gent

Son #2 loves his corduroy Jacket. luckily it suits him too (well, I think so anyway)

Today was street fayre day and over in the main field there had been a birds of prey display, after which kids had a chance to hold one of the birds. Whilst most chose the big white owl (a bit of Harry Potter envy perhaps) Son#2 elected to go for the smallest bird there.

One of the handlers commented that, with his Jacket, he looks the part of a country gent with his falcon on his hand. I had to agree.

Changing the subject slightly, apologies ot my sbscribers annd fellow blipmates for the heavy backblipping this week. I've had an extremely busy few days, along with the knowledge that I'm now formally 'at risk' of redundancy, so I've been a little distracted.

I've been in this place before though, and I'm better prepared this time and, actually, it could be the kick up the bum I need to go in a different direction career wise. the next few weeks will be interesting...

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