Joan’s blips

By Keepingitsimple

A backblip of a healthier Molly

I took Molly to the Vet today as I knew very clearly that she could not continue. She sat on my lap for sometime whilst we waited in one of their rooms. A towel was around her for comfort and she laid still. She stayed on my lap as the end came. It was quick and gentle and a little hard to comprehend her earthly life was over. 

Molly came to me when she was 7 and would have turned 13 in a couple of weeks. She was a very gentle, kind and sweet natured dog. She has been a great gift to me and has truely taught me much.

I was told that I would not be charged due to Molly being with the Vet for a long time. I was quite touched as it highlighted the reverence of the occasion. 

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