Life on the go

By BarryBadcock

Did Not Work

Did Not Work

Interesting day yesterday. Sue and I went to get our Flu Injection and was offered Covid at the same time. We did not expect to get this until we are 75.

We both said yes. This was at 1pm. The Doctor said we would very likely feel rubbish for a couple of days. 

Got on with jobs etc in the afternoon but by 7pm we both felt tired and lacking in energy. Both arms aching and a headache . We were in bed by 8:30pm.

My normal waking time is around 3am and I just could not get back to sleep. I decided to make a Fruit Tea. We quite like Twining’s Sleep Tea and this one was a new flavour I tried id a few weeks ago. 

That night I had extremely vivid dreams. I could not see why it would be down to the tea but I have not had it again. 

Long story cut short, It happened again and  I am not drinking it again just in case. Anybody wants some tea bags?

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