
By Ellaphant

Chateau Pierrefonds, Compiegne, FRANCE

Extra -- the Imperial Palace, also in Compiegne

The extra shot was the main objective of today's trip.
The main shot was a side trip that ended up hogging the spotlight.

I'll translate the Dutch pamphlet --
'Duke Louis of Orléans (1372-1407), brother of (French) King Charles VI, in conflict with the then Duke of Burgundy, who was another brother, Philip the Bold, about who should inherit the throne, had a fortified castle built in Pierrefonds to display his power, which he used to control trade between Flanders and Burgundy.
In 1617, the castle was 'dismantled' on the orders of King Louis XIII so that anyone against him would not use it as a place of refuge.  The towers were opened, their roofs removed.  The castle complex was reduced to ruins until 1801, when Napoleon I bought it.  At the time, romantic ruins were the rage and the broken-down castle was a popular tourist attraction among the rich.
From 1857 onwards, Emperor Napoleon III (1808-1873) had it transformed into an imperial residence.  His objectives were never realized.  Instead, the castle became a museum in 1867 and opened its doors to the public.'
So it's been a museum for at least 150 years!
While I was walking around, I wondered if the Germans occupied it during the war.  It's the kind of building that could give one a feeling of (false) legitimacy.

06.30 -- Left the house.  Teqla wouldn't start right away, such a sleepyhead!  After some prodding, she managed to get her stuff together.
10.45 to 11.30 -- Toured the imperial palace (extra shot).
12.00-ish -- Lunch!  A magnificent carbonara, the size of the dish was just right.
Wandered around the old city centre of Compiegne, which I didn't do 12 years ago, when I first came here.  I visited both the palace and the castle then, but my camera wasn't what it is today, so the shots could have been better.  The palace is free for entry on the first Sunday of every month, such as today, and parking is usually free on Sundays anyway, but I had to pay a small fee for Pierrefonds.  No matter, it was worth it.
13.45 to 15.30 -- Toured Chateau Pierrefonds
15.30 -- Began the drive home.  A power nap and snack on the way.
20.15 -- Key in the lock.

Thankful for a beautiful, warm, and sunny day!
Thankful also that there is such a person as AW waiting for me when I return.  I wonder if he realizes that he is one of the reasons I feel so free when I go on adventures -- at the end of the day, it's good to come home to him.

Now that I've posted this, back to the daily grind, although I might get my good night's sleep first.  A quick shower to be comfortable, and then we'll see.  I'll reserve Pamuk for tomorrow evening.  His writing style and story lines are very interesting to follow.

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