
By Grapefruits

Helsby Hill Middle Path

As a child we lived in Helsby for less than two years and Helsby Hill was my playground no messing about in the streets when we had the whole of the hill to play on caves cut in the hill side running riot in amongst the hydrangers?
Todays blip is on the middle path heading towards the quarry car park end. This path runs along the hill side over to Frodsham hill where the long distance walk "The Sandstone Trail" runs from Frodsham to Whitchurch

Today went up the hill from the village with my son, not been up there with him for over 30 years at the time we went down the gulley from the top in our trainers because thats all I've ever done, yes a bit slippy in the sandstone dust but when climbers came from the bottom roped up I realised maybe next time we'll give it a miss - wouldn't dream of doing it nowadays.
Helsby Hill has steep sandstone cliffs on the northern and western sides, and stands 370 feet (110 metres) above sea level, if you pass on the M56 heading to Chester its on your left and looks like an old mans face overlooking out over the marshes and the River Mersey.

A trig pint stands at the summit. On a clear day the Liverpool skyline is easily visible with the outlines of the Anglican and Metropolitan Cathedrals standing out. The mountains of North Wales visible to the west and if you know where to look the top the mast on Winter Hill can sometimes be seen.

The name derives from the Old Norse 'Hjallr-by', meaning 'the village on the edge', the area was settled by the Vikings in the tenth century AD. The hill is the site of Helsby hill fort, an Iron Age hillfort

The car park is at Helsby Quarry, a former sandstone quarry, Sandstone was extracted from the quarry from the early nineteenth century until the 1920s. The stone was run down a old style mine railway to the marshes where much of the stone was transported by ferry to Liverpool and Birkenhead, where several buildings, including the Customs House near Canning Dock, were built of Helsby stone.
I think I've sold the hill to son for him and the girls to visit during the year but they will no doubt park their car at the Quarry car park not like us in the Village - took my breath away walking up the hill and have had to have a grandad nap this afternoon still the weather outside isn't too great so nothing wasted

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