
By PicturePoems

Another Busy Day

We spent much of the day chez Family B, doing chores and/or baby minding to allow our daughter to get some household tasks ticked off her long list. Mr PP also cut and scarified their lawn. The young master, who until now has shown no interest in propelling himself on hands and knees or bottom, has suddenly discovered the art of moving himself along the floor ... backwards! It is quite amusing to watch. He only comes unstuck if he finds himself half under a piece of furniture that doesn't allow him enough room to roll. Help is always on hand! And, who knows, he might find himself moving forwards at some point. He's a dab hand at rolling, though, when he want to relocate. 

When little Miss B came home from school he was in his bouncer and was soon being taught all the phonic sounds she had learnt today. She was the teacher, of course. He loved it. He always pays full attention to his sister. (It must be a rough school, I think, as the teacher is wearing a safety helmet. The word BOSS is emblazoned on the front!) A fruitful day!

Home, fed and watered, and all I can do now is yawn. And yawn. And yawn. Not long till bedtime...zzz.

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