Wendy's World

By Wendles56


I arrived home shattered after travelling for several hours on delayed, rammed trains in the company of some lovely and some obnoxious people.  The lovely people were helping out passengers with luggage and seats, the obnoxious were yelling that they had to get through as they had tables booked.....!  I came close to telling this particular woman to shut up.

At the beginning of the day I walked with Euan and his Mum to his new nursery.  He was looking forward to forest school today and we've had a photo of him on a tree swing enjoying himself although he told his Mum he couldn't remember anything about it!  Pretty usual at the end of a busy nursery day I think.  Mum Becky and I then walked in to Oxford and picked up coffees before she left me to go to work and I continued on to the station.  I called in at Waitrose's to leave a message for Norah.  On Friday when we were shopping in there we were in a queue behind a tall chap who was asking Norah on the till where she was from in Ireland.  My ears pricked up, I know that voice I thought and I recognise that face but I can't for the life of me recall his name.  He was as personable as I had noted on television.  Norah did not know his name but asked me to pop in and tell her if I remembered.  And remember I did as we drove home.  It was the renowned BBC journalist and correspondent, John Simpson.  So Norah, job done!

All of that train doings left me without a blip and the only other meaningful thing I've done is update my Hobblwordl spreadsheet.  The Hobblers have been Wordling separately for some time so I invited them to join a Hobblwordl WhatsApp group and I keep this spreadsheet of our results.  There are choccy prizes at the end of each round and our very own Hobbler/Blipper WilsdenWalker achieved the woohoo choccy prize in the first round.  

I'm thinking this might also qualify for Connections....

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