
By Ellaphant

Mixed Monday

Went to work, worked, went back home.

Two fabulous hours with my HAVO graduating class.  They are a serious bunch and sit down to work.  I have never had a problem filling the hours with them.  The three remaining classes with juniors, however, slid down the ladder and I'd just about had it by mid-afternoon.

While I was at work, though, who should be ringing my phone but the Viking, and I knew something serious was afoot because he normally never phones when he knows I could be teaching.  I was having a 2-hour break, so no concentration was harmed when I took the call.  'I just wanted to inform you that the lawyers representing the Opposition have withdrawn from the case.'  What?  Excuse me?  The Opposition's witnesses have refused to testify, and now his lawyers have abandoned him?  And that was his third group of lawyers.  Or perhaps he sacked them, which is equally possible.  And so, there we have it, ladies and gentlemen, all the payments done under the table could not make everyone happy after all, and couldn't guarantee success.  Even the Viking was puzzled, as we both had the idea that they (thought they) were winning, as the bribes appeared to have led to some small victories for them.  Apparently not, and apparently something went terribly wrong with the professional relationship.  The Opposition is a miser and has insulted its own legal counsel, who, it must be admitted, took advantage of and sorely abused above-mentioned relationship.  Misery loves company, no?  Or perhaps better to say that they made each other miserable.  We were right to continue fighting.  We were right to flood the courts with our cases.  We were right to attack from every angle.  At the moment, the Opposition is standing alone and we are wondering if he will engage the services of yet another law firm.  Again, there will be no guarantee of success for him, and he might even end up paying more than ever, from any angle of the table.  In the meantime, we still believe in keeping both feet on the ground.

Thankful for a bit more light at the end of the tunnel.

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