Marking Time

By Libra

Do you still iron?

At a lunch gathering in Perth today of some very old friends the subject got around to ironing.
As usual I was the odd one out. They all ironed every week including tea towels. Even the bed linen.
Once upon a time I used to iron, in the early days of marriage, but that novelty soon wore off. 
We still possess an iron, even a travelling iron, but they rarely get used. (Some might say that accounts for my scruffy appearance).
On the other hand I discovered we are part of a growing minority of people who no longer iron.
Sales of irons have plummeted during the past three years with many18-34 year old saying they don’t bother and the reason given is that with modern fabrics “clothes don’t need ironing”.
What’s happening, especially in America, is that people are finding new ways of getting creases out of clothes from putting them in the tumble drier to spraying them with water then using the hair drier.
One American magazine, the Southern Living, goes even further. It recently ran an article “ Are we witnessing the death of ironing?”
Where do you stand on the ironing debate?

The Guardian
Washington Post
 Southern Living

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