Further my skills

By H0tamer

Watch pocket

The optional theme of today was What’s in your pocket? I have a handkerchief in one pocket, a small key bag with my keys in an other, and the pockets at the other side of me are empty.
More interesting is what I have in my watch pocket. Yes, that small pocket in a five pocket jeans.
I usually have up to three dog poop bags, just in case I need them (and in some communities here they are mandatory, you have have at least one when you walk a dog).
But really interesting I think is the washer. Why do I carry a washer with me, all the time?
I actually have no idea. I found it some time (months!) ago and put it there temporarily. Well, never thought about when I visited our workshop. Perhaps I will do so soon :)
Thanks to Pinkhairedlady for hosting the Tiny Tuesday challenge this month.

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