Guernsey Ka

By KarenBourgaize


What a lovely morning, we went to Jerbourg and walked to the end, taking shots along the way. Then as we got back to the car we were disappointed to see the Kiosk still closed, so we waited until 10:15 thinking it would have opened at 10am, but it didn’t - so with a will of Titanium we went to Hotel Jerbourg for Coffee. You can see one of the displays of cakes and there were 3 like that. It was so heavy on me to have a slice, or even half a slice - but if I’ve made a decision- then that’s it- so we had coffee and it was lovely to sit and chat, as we left we popped passed the kiosk and found them open! We should have hung on. But then I wouldn’t have got these Toilet signs which I loved - in Guernsey many people speak Guernsey- French so these signs really tickled me. So now, washing out on the line and I’m going to catch up with a telephone call to a friend.

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