That Will Do!

By flumgummery


...and sailboarding and...

Back to the tip  Household Waste Recycling Centre again where there were more surprises in that our garden waste was tipped on top of sundry household items such as mattresses, all destined for landfill.

We continued to East Lothian for coffee in Goose on the Green and a bargain in the Bethany shop (a Kipling Bag for £6) then stopped at Gullane Bents. Here we had an overlook of the various water sports in progress, aided (or hampered by) the strong wind and incoming tide. My photos were all on the new phone as I struggle to comprehend the controls.

 However there was a big grey mass gradually obscuring our view over the estuary, the band of cloud approaching fast so we nipped back into the car just as raindrops fell. Although the rain abated for a few minutes as the wetsuit-clad men changed and packed their equipment in almost identical vans, while we sat and read, it seemed pointless in attempting a walk on the beach so we pottered home along unknown minor roads while the rain continued until late in the afternoon.

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