
By stujphoto

Water Droplet Revived

With rain limiting my choice of blp opportunities this afternoon, I decided that it was about time I had another go at water droplets after my failed attempt a month or so ago. This time I checked out my aperture and lighting settings for previous successful attempts and was pleased to get reasonable exposures from the outset.

Unfortunately I did not have sufficient time to experiment with different size water droplets, amounts of RinseAid or coloured gels on my flash units so I had to use the best image and colour it in Photoshop. However, this way you are not restriced as to the colours you may use and can choose something like aquamarine which you are unlikely to get with a gel or by colouring your water.

My moderate succees this time has encouraged me to experiment some more, hopefully in the not too distant future by which time I would have forgotten everything. I am now reasonably pleased with my set-up for the summer months. In order to get an adequately dark environment, I decamp to the garage and close the door then surround my water droplet vessel ( a baking tin painted with matt black paint ) with black velvet material.

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