
By Houseonahill6


I love this time of year when you do not have to get up to early to catch the sunrise. I could see colours developing so popped out to the bottom of the garden to watch the sun come up. Beautiful , peaceful although a bit cold at 6 degrees.
I waited and waited for the doctor to phone so could not really get stuck into anything. I took the phone with me where every I went but no call.
I managed to give the oven and hob a good clean and dusted the dining room. Sent a few emails and cancelled an appointment for a blood test seeing as I had already had one done.
Dalscone Farm were up for two Thistle awards and delighted that they won the Innovation in tourism award. All the winners now go on to the Scottish Awards in December.
Watched Sort your Life Out with Stacey Solomon. They cleaned the oven the same way I did mine although I did not take the door off.

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