
By TonyG

Autumn Sunshine

A day of contrasting weather up and down the UK.   Disruptive rainfall in Scotland, a heatwave down south.  Here in the middle it's been just about right!   After a grey start, pleasant autumn sunshine and warm enough to dry washing outside ... so I did.

In garden and especially greenhouse, the flowers have shone in the sun.  Myriad crocuses, cyclamen and other autumn bulbs, notably some from South Africa all looking grand.   Crocus goulimyi Mani White, the main blip, taller than most crocuses, four flowers this year from the two corms.  I started with just one a year ago, it's doing well here so far.   Extra pic of another pot of the Crocus goulimyi, these raised from seen and showing some of the variability of the species, pale and dark lilac flowers.

As well as laundry, I did some work in greenhouse and garden.   The eucalyptus that was scalped in 2022 has grown prodigiously, new growth sprouting everywhere.  Some of the new shoots already reaching ten feet up and spreading.  Too much shade and the risk of damage to the greenhouse if those shoots got bigger so my pruning saw and loppers were put to good use.  A lot more to be cut out but I'll do it piecemeal or I risk being overwhelmed by the arisings.

Meg and I had a longer than usual outing in the countryside, taking advantage of the weather.  We finished with a brief diversion to the seafront where the sun was sparkling off the water despite dropping into milky mistiness - second extra pic.   A thoroughly nice day :-)

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