black sky

The sky was seriously black tonight - OK maybe not quite like this but it is how it is remembered in my mind - it was dark! However it floated over us and not a drop fell - strange!

Took a day out of the Studio to catch up on home life -i.e bills/form filling in and diary sorting - got a tiny bit done, how can that be, it was non-stop! I guess it needs more than a day!

Other part of the day was a visit to the optometrist to have Sienna's eyes checked. She has been complaining she can't see and squinting away so I thought I had better. I did have my doubts as recently to test her I wrote, 'Sienna can have a new doll' up on the blackboard in the kitchen which she insisted she couldn't read until she whispered to me "Is it true, Mummy?" But she has been moaning for days now that everything is blurry. I should have known my wee actress better - perfect eyesight of course and one disappointed kid with no new pink Raybans!

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