For the family

By RonaMac

The next project

The plans for today were ‘put in a bag and shaken’, well that’s how it felt. B woke about 4am with another bout of vertigo. He was due to have his Covid and flu jabs this morning, which we cancelled as he has a much more important appointment tomorrow. I need to keep him on his feet for that. 

I did a tidy up in the garage, then took a phone call from a cousin in Banff to tell me about the death of a family member. I needed a nap before the grocery shopping trip, which took ages on my own.

The plan was to plant up the little rockery area which now has the rotary clothes dryer holder in it. Well that was a non starter, job to follow.

I hadn’t taken any pictures at all, so found my next cross stitch project which is waiting to be mounted and started. It’s going to take a long time.

This is my 4,500th blip …….I cannot believe I’ve been here so long. A great place with super people. 

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