
By KCNQ2Haiku


Yes, hoovering, still.
The mithering is lengthy
but the job is short. 

Sigh, I think I'm a little snappy today.  I only really noticed when Mr KCNQ2Haiku gently chuckled when I was a bit short with Ben earlier.  I do try so hard to stay calm and patient but sometimes it's wearing.  He was bothering me about doing some hoovering and it really wasn't convenient but I took a deep breath and went along with it, only for him to vaguely push the thing around for 5 seconds before he decided he was done.  Of course by then I was in the zone, so I finished the living and kitchen and then not to waste the clear floor I got the steam cleaner out and finished the job :-D I'm my own worst enemy in terms of keeping on track!  Then I steam cleaned the French doors as Leo has made a lovely muddy mess of them.  I have also done 5 loads of washing today, getting the bedding done and on the washing line in the good weather, this includes chasing the dog around the garden with the sheets he's stolen and the clothes peg he's chewing..  Some jobs make you laugh more than others!  
I did also have some time to read my book after lunch and I still remembered who all the characters were, so it can't have been too long since the last chapter, so that's a win!  
Other than that, we had a walk to the shops to fetch bread which involved Ben coughing to a point I thought he would be sick on the pavement.  I was pretty sure he was OK, so my mind wandered to wondering what do you do if that happens.. poo bag I guess :-/  He was sick once on a walk and I caught it in my scarf, which I subsequently threw away.. sorry, I may have veered off track a little here!! 
Anyway! Nice walk in the woods, no coughing, Leo is fine and the bedclothes are dry, so all is well with the world.  Ready for another busy week ahead.

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