
By CreativeCarol

Cheetah Tale

Emergency blip! It was a busy day from sunup to sunset. I had no time at all to even think about a blip. Wandering around the house for a blip was not a good plan to have late at night.
So here is my Cheetah Tale: This is my favorite photo that I have ever taken. It hangs above my husband's desk in his office at home. We were fortunate to take a Safari trip to Kenya several years ago. On one of our game drives in the Masai Mara Game Preserve, we witness this Cheetah stalk, chase, and kill an Gazelle. It was hard to watch but very fascinating . The Cheetah was so exhausted from the chase and kill, it walked over to our jeep (which had no windows) and rested in the shade of our vehicle. That was a sight I will never forget. I could have reach out my hand and touched the top of his head he was so close. After his rest, he left the area and climbed on top of this termite mound and posed for us.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Tuesday. I am off to crash for the night, and will hopefully have the chance to catch up with everyone tomorrow.

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