Come into the Garden

By aprecious

I'm Maud, Fly me...


Super Maud here.

Super because I do not need to touch the ground.

Super because I did not chase the sheep. (Sally the sheep dog did. Her owner was beetroot colour in the face with crossness.)

Super because aprecious had some kind of emotional meltdown on the field and did I interfere? No I carried on catching frisbees.


Super. Smashing. Yah yah yah.

I am tired. I left my HD card at work (eejit) and now I am off to York for a (suppresses a wee yawn) meeting.

But taking 200 shots of Maud flying helped. A bit. I liked this one best because of the sheep - and it was just as it is, SOOC.

She looks amazingly fierce on some of them. Not the mild mannered Maud we've come to know and love, at all!

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