Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Morning Wednesday!

I knew today was going to be one of those where you nearly meet yourself coming backwards so at 5:55am I took my blip. I thought get it in the bag! My beautiful alstroemeria flowers always make me smile, as does my LET'S BOOGIE picture in the glittering photo frame...and Snoopy and my covid bear which you can just about see.

Today's been a day of handwriting, literacy, reading, playtime duty, maths, inside playtime dutying, spellings, art, my assembly, staff meeting...and then a drive to Holly's for a walk and natter with her and Sylas, which I do throughout enjoy. :-)

Back at mine now for a spot of safeguarding stuff and so on...quick flick at blip before 9pm when I shall tune in for the latest episode of Race Across the World! :-)


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