Maid in Wales

By welshmaid50


Called to see Andrea in the library, before going to the gym. She is reading a book at the moment that she thought I would like, so she checked the computer to see if I'd read it, and then puts it on hold for  me when one becomes available,  Now that's the kind of service I like. Saw Des, Vic, & John in the gym, also Rob, who had the same hand operation as me, three months ago. I ask him all the questions about what to expect ,to prepare myself  when I get the call. 
I have seen this lady busker a few times around the town, and today she was playing outside Boots. She was playing Back to Black (Amy Winehouse) and it sounded really good. I gave her some money, and asked her permission to take a photo. Caught the bus home, and J arrived not long after.

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