CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Azalea in Autumn Colours

A bright windy day

A busy day of writing and Listening. Still suffering the effects of the heavy cold, seems to be coming out in waves - only been out once in 12 days.

Slipped out into the garden to photograph this colourful Azalea. I love the way that this bush takes on the Autumn colours in contrast to its glorious Spring colours. Slipping out for as long as it took to take the photo convinced me it is best that I stay indoors until I feel better.

It is devastating watching the news from Israel and Palestine. The horror of such Hamas evil was clear to see on Saturday but the scale of destruction and death in Israel’s response raises many questions. There is a level of response which is justified but there surely comes a point where it crosses a line. There are so many examples of extreme responses throughout history.

I feel that there is such a concerted attempt by the West to ‘stand with Israel’ that it almost feels wrong to raise the issue of the treatment of the Palestinians these past decades, kept as they are, in the ‘largest prison in the world.’

**here endeth today’s sermon**

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