
By TrudeAndNova

Twins, but not idendtical

I started to make a sourdoug bread before we went to Arvika for lunch and to buy knitting needels. I could not find the ones I had among all my boxes at Tofte.
We had lunch at Elins Backyard and ate asian fishsoup, very good. Dag doesn't like to come here for some strange reason, but he seemed content today ;)
Well back I continued with the bread and tomorrow morning I will bake the bread. I hardly never bake cakes, but today wanted to try and the result was a cake in wet pieces. I had turned on the oven quite wrong. No wonder that I don't like baking ;)
It was difficult to walk with the dogs this after, since the farmer had spread cow dungs at the fields. A quite a bit was lost at the roads and the dogs found it very interessting and Nova wanted to roll in it. After a few days I hope it will be better ;)

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