
By Martigan

Curious coincidence.

As recently as yesterday, Jerra and I were discussing "Vaping" and the related costs Vaping Vs. Smoking; I got a helluva surprise - TWICE.
Once - on hearing how much other Vapers are spending, compared to the tiny amount I'm spending.  What started it was - One bloke, on a phone-in programme, said/claimed "Vaping is more addictive than smoking and dearer." (I was gobsmacked) and YET I'm now vaping 0% nicotine, and spending less per month than I used to spend per week on Fags. (Apparently the nitwits are using disposable Vapes, which are VERY similar in cost to 20 Fags AND last a day, if you're lucky.
Twice - on having looked up the cost of a Packet of Fags; they've more than doubled since I stopped.  I'm "damshure" I couldn't afford over 12 Quid a day.
       NOW comes the coincidence.  The above card floated, metaphorically, to the surface today.  I remember being able to go round to "Bouch's" with a "Two Bob bit". That's ten pence to you young kids.   ;¬)   to get Dad a packet of ten, from a machine on the wall outside; with the few Pence change in the Pack.  I never tried it but I could, probably, have bought them over the Counter way back when; since the Shopkeeper would know whose kid he was talking to.
       I checked, online, to get a guesstimate of about when the card was printed:-
"What is really significant about this advert is that it shows the prices of cigarettes in 1939 just before the outbreak of war:

A packet of 10 cigarettes cost 6d, i.e. 6 old pennies, 
A packet of 20 cigarettes cost 11½d, i.e. 11½ old pennies.

Clearly it was cheaper in the long run to buy the larger packet! Another advertising gimmic."

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