Papaver Orientale

Or huuuuge big poppies! The first one popped out today. Late but in much better form than last year. Another 30 or so buds still waiting to pop. Poppytastic!

After work we headed down the beach. The weathermen got it wrong as usual It was bright and sunny. As we wandered along Oscar stopped at what I first thought was a dead seal. Closer inspection revealed it was a dead baby, or very small, dolphin :( :(. We see a good few dead seals over the course of the year but I have never seen a dead dolphin

I did not take a picture! I also have spared you Oscar impersonating a kangaroo....I may upload to fb later. The mutt is a chump!

Time to shout at the telly...and have a small Wednesday wine. Catch you all later!

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