
By soozaday

Creatures That Come in the Night

We were only gone for two days, but somewhere in there the patio got ravaged: large cushions displaced, fur all over the place, lots of half eaten fruit all over the ground, and this—a half-eaten pillow that had been dragged about twenty feet and eviscerated. What could be big enough to carry the pillow that far, to knock the chair cushions to the ground, to scatter the other pillows here and there? I’m not sure I want to find out. Something with fur and teeth and a lot of determination. We’ve had skunks and raccoons and possums, squirrels and cats and rats, but none of those creatures seems the type to run amok like this. Anyway, I’m feeling remarkably fine after the surgery. Taking it easy. Reading Tom Lake by Ann Patchett and hanging on every perfect word.

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