
By IainatCreel

An Autumn Orkney Day

Walked round our local circuit and initially met Carla and Andrew and family and had a good catch up.  Whilst engaged I noticed Auld Ken walking home so I caught him up.  He’s 89 but still game enough to get out for a walk when the weather permits.  He’ll be heading down to Aberdeen this week for three days chemotherapy.  He said he’ll be glad when it’s past.  Then Luke came along and gave us a farming update.  He has a very cute puppy he was training.  Luke’s update included a peppering of the f word.  It impressed me when he used it in the future pluperfect.  It surprised us though that he used such language in front of the puppy.  We then met Geordie out on his bike (a sure indicator that the wind has gone down).  He was so surprised to see  us he did an emergency stop.  He was on good form.  He even took out Harvest Home tickets to sell to us.  We then spoke to Douglas who was heading into the byre.  After arriving back at Creel HQ, and feeding all of the above into the mainframe processor, we headed out to pick up Karen.  All because Caroline, bless her, had cooked us a good Sunday lunch.
On the way home we called in past to see Dougal.  He was waiting for an ambulance to pick him up as he had collapsed twice today and badly twisted both ankles.  He speech and mobility are very compromised.  He can’t string together many coherent words but did manage to say ‘I’m buggered’.
It was a conversation stopper.

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