
By PaulaJ

You can call me Cuddy

Oh Cuddy, I will find you a home

I have just watched a live streaming of a dramatic reading from the wonderful book - Cuddy by Benjamin Myers. The reading was part of Durham Book Festival and I would have loved to be there to see it live, but this was second best. 

The readers were Toby Jones and Samantha Neale, both excellent. And there was a musical accompaniment provided by a group The Shining Levels. Some of the words had been set to music, which was very well done. 

The first section of the book tells of the monks carrying the coffin of St Cuthbert in order to find him a resting place. They travel on until the  young girl, who is part of the group, finds the place . . . the place she sees in her dreams, the place where the most beautiful church of all will be built 

We'll know it when we see it and we'll see it when we know it.

Of course this had to be premiered in Durham!

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