CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Hidden ballet dancing Fuchsia

A very bright day

One of the joys of ‘old age’ is being able to have two vaccines administered in our arms. We both attended along with dozens of others at the Central location in Dundee. It was all very smooth with very nice nurses very skilfully throwing darts at our arms. So far I have not suffered any effects.

Some writing in the afternoon and then listening to a very compassionate, statesmanlike like speech by the First Minister of Scotland. He has in-laws caught up with the tragedy in Gaza. He was confident that the people of Scotland would welcome any refugees from the conflict, something we have always done.

In other news, the largest off shore wind farm in Scottish waters is now working at 100% capacity and providing clean electricity to two thirds of Scottish homes - something to be proud of.

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